I preserved the happenings of yesterday and today for tomorrow.
I was born with the rise of civilization in ancient Greece.
I was in Judea, Persia and the Roman Empire before Christ.
I preserved the Ten Commandments for posterity.
I was with King Solomon while building the Temple and recorded the origins of Masonry.
I labored upon the scroll that set forth the Bill of Rights wrested from the King of England at Runnymede.
I was with the founding fathers when the Declaration of Independence was drafted. I witnessed the signature of John Hancock.
I wrote the Dred Scott decision for Justice Janey.
I was entrusted by the immortal Abraham Lincoln to record the Emancipation Proclamation.
I protect the truthful witness, and I am the Nemesis of the perjurer.
I am a party to the administration of Justice under the law and the Court I serve.
I discharge my duties with devotion and honor.
I am the Shorthand Reporter.
– by W.C. Jones, Reporter, Kansas City, Missouri